How To Treat Type 2 Diabetes – Secrets In Reversing Insulin Resistance
I come from a long line of diabetics. Although I don’t have diabetes, I have for several months been on the cleansing/diet proposed in your book and it absolutely works. The research is spot on. This important and life saving information should be going out to the world.
People WITHOUT diabetes should read this material, too!
~M Kris Landry #1 International Best Selling author
The Expert Success Solution and the founder of
Highly informative and motivational self-healing action plan for people with Type 2 Diabetes! I fully support the mention of the importance of addressing emotional factors. Whether or not all the energetic modalities are used, the dietary approach alone is sure to reverse the soaring trend in the incidence and severity of this disease. Thank you, Brenda Blindenbach.
~Nelie C. Johnson, MD, Awareness Heals Healing Consultant
Health and Wellness Coaching
Are you ready to take charge of your life?
A great place to start is our complimentary Optimum Gut Health Intro Session.
Hello, Brenda,
Thank you for the wonderful, caring session with Sophie. Sophie had a 12-hour glucose curve test today. I am happy to say that, finally, her glucose level is near normal! This positive result is after 8 months of adjusting her diet and medication without success.
I think Sophie’s session with you was beneficial for her to be able to take part in her own healing.Thank you!
Hello Brenda, thank you for the session. My face is clear now, free of the rash. I am so grateful.
I would like to give my thanks to Brenda for her caring nature, and enthusiasm in offering herself and her work to others. Since receiving my numbers, there are two things which I noticed.In the first week, I know my body began detoxifying and my elimination was better. It continues to be efficient. I used to drink an 8 oz. glass of water and have to go to the toilet within an hour.Now, I am drinking the nano water, and I notice that I am not running to the toilet as often, but that my body is really absorbing the water I drink. My joints are feeling great, without any stiffnessor aches.”With Gratitude…
I was presented with the opportunity to work with Brenda on trapped emotions . I went in with an open mind, but not certain of what to expect. Quickly, I realized I had a “heart wall” and trapped emotions. As these were identified and released my responses in that moment were profound, resulting in immediate physical change. I feel blessed to have met Brenda and had the opportunity to do this work with her. It is invaluable.”
“Thank you Brenda for helping me to get and stay on the right path to treating my Type 2 Diabetes… I am feeling better, my blood sugars are down, have lost weight and have been able to decrease my insulin. Now there is hope!”