Plexus VitalBiome™

What Are Probiotics…

By |2022-09-29T07:35:07+00:00July 2nd, 2019|Gut Health|

What are probiotics? Our lower digestive tract is loaded with a complex and diverse community of living micro organisms. (bacteria, fungi, viruses, yeasts) Not all of these microbes are good for you. Probiotics are the good live microbes that promote health. Having an overgrowth of the "bad micro- organisms" can cause imbalance in our body. [...]

The Four Criteria I Look For Regarding My Gut Health Regime

By |2022-09-29T07:35:10+00:00March 30th, 2019|Gut Health|

You may have realized by now that our "poop" is the great new frontier in medicine & all the micro organisms that live in there. When we take care of their welfare, they in turn work on our behalf. How do we do that? Let me use an analogy. Any good gardener knows that to [...]


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