Optimum Health

A Few Thoughts on Overcoming Fear of the Unknown

By |2022-09-29T07:35:06+00:00March 22nd, 2020|Optimum Health|

In the wake of the Corona virus and all the uncertainty & fear that surrounds it, it's normal to feel worried, anxious & uncertain. Things have been escalating almost by the hour, which makes us feel powerless. With that in mind here are some thoughts I'd like to share which I hope will give you [...]

Making Life Style Changes Easily

By |2022-09-29T07:35:07+00:00November 4th, 2019|Optimum Health|

I'm so excited to be interviewed as the special guest on “This Week on... Fast Action Fridays with host Kat Sturtz”, airing on Friday November 8th. The subject is going to be on "Making Lifestyle Changes Easily" (the replay is below). Making lifestyle changes can often be a challenge for a lot of people, especially [...]

Why Do We Need Chromium?

By |2022-09-29T07:35:09+00:00April 27th, 2019|Gut Health, Optimum Health|

One of the things that I'm passionate about is to share & teach others what I know with as much clarity as possible. So, I'd like to share why Plexus Slim works so well beginning with support for healthy glucose metabolism. Because of the name Slim, most people think it's just for weight loss. However [...]

What is Your New Year’s Intention?

By |2022-09-29T07:35:12+00:00December 28th, 2018|Optimum Health|

In hindsight, I've realized that I've been able to move forward with greater ease because I took the opportunity to be supported by coaches that were on a similar journey that I was on. They experienced what I was going through & were able to get the breakthrough to what was holding them back and [...]

Why Consuming Greens are Super Important…

By |2022-09-29T07:35:13+00:00December 27th, 2018|Optimum Health|

Although we know that fruits & vegetables are good for us, you may be surprised by these statistics. Less than 24% of men & 22% of women ages 50 to 64 consume less than 5 servings of fruits & vegetables a day but tend to consume more protein than fruit & vegetables. I believe that [...]

Welcome To My Optimum Health Blog

By |2022-09-29T07:35:21+00:00January 3rd, 2016|Optimum Health, Type 2 Diabetes|

My intent is that you will find help and support for optimum health through the content that I supply with these blog articles. Some of the things that you read about may be a bit unconventional and thinking outside the box. However if you keep an open mind and are willing to check things out [...]


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