How to Lower Insulin Resistance and Blood Sugars Naturally
How to Lower Insulin Resistance and Blood Sugars Naturally is what a lot of people are curious about. Those people who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are usually told that there isn’t much that can be done to reverse diabetes. In fact if diabetes is poorly managed it can cause blindness, loss of kidney function, and conditions that [...]
Symptoms of Diabetes Type 2
It was over two and a half decades ago that I started to notice I had excessive thirst, feeling very tired and was craving food because I felt hungry all the time. I knew that something wasn’t right. After having some blood work done, the results showed that I was showing the Symptoms of Diabetes Type 2. As a result [...]
What Causes Diabetes Type 2
A good place to start when we look at a problem or a disease of any kind is to look at the cause, the root or source of the problem. So What Causes Diabetes Type 2? Many of us are eating too many or the wrong kinds of carbohydrates. When we consume foods like breads, pasta, cereal, candy, juice, pop [...]
Welcome To My Optimum Health Blog
My intent is that you will find help and support for optimum health through the content that I supply with these blog articles. Some of the things that you read about may be a bit unconventional and thinking outside the box. However if you keep an open mind and are willing to check things out you may be surprised to [...]